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What if my insurance doesn't cover services?

Solutions for Success accepts out-of-pocket payments for services and offers different rates for services rendered based on the providers level of experience, licensure, and credentialing.  If you have any questions or concerns about cost of services, please reach out to us at

What is the difference between LPC and LPCC?

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) is a fully licensed professional that has a masters degree in counseling and clinical mental health. Licensed Professional Counselor Candidates (LPCCs) are licensed professionals that have recently graduated with a masters degree in counseling and clinical mental health and are receiving supervision from an LPC or related mental health license.  You have the right to choose who you feel is most appropriate for your needs and the right to know the names and licensure status of supervisors that may be on your team.  Supervision is intended to promote the most effective service.

How would counseling services work with ABA services?

Collaboration can be an effective way to promote growth through goal alignment as appropriate, team meetings, and coordinated care.  Collaboration is a way for two or more services to communicate, share relevant information related to beneficial or effective approaches for shared goals, and to promote efficacious services for an individual while still remaining two separate services contributing to a shared goal(s). Each service is still distinct and mental health information will remian confidential, unless a disclosure is made for the safety of the client.  Collaboration may enhance outcomes by offering a dual approach to shared goals such as emotional regulation, flexible thinking, and social skills. Collaboration may help to mitigate confusion by approaching a difficult task in a consistent way so that it is more easily understood, offer consistency in language used, and share strategies and techniques that are beneficial for the individual and their growth.

What is the difference between in-person and Telehealth sessions?

There are similarities and differences between in-person services and telehealth services.  Some similarities include individualized treatment plans, expectations related to attendance and the agency's cancellation policy, and sick children guidelines.  Differences between the two types of services include changes in safety protocols (e.g., a plan of who to contact in case of an emergency during session), how resources are shared, and the clinicians ability to fully assess the client, including gait and motor functioning, nonverbal behaviors such as foot tapping or agitated leg movements, olfactory information, and others as these may not be visible in the limited video window.  Telehealth therapy can be a meaningful approach to treatment and is not the best fit for everyone.  Individuals interested in Telehealth may be assessed for their readiness for Telehealth services prior to scheduling ongoing appointments for services.

What if my child (or myself) do not have a diagnosis?

If you are interested in services and there is no diagnosis (e.g., anxiety, depression, etc.) your insurance provider may or may not cover services.  When the individual meets with a provider, assessments will be conducted and a diagnosis may be given.  While a diagnosis can sound and feel uncomfortable at times, it can also be very helpful for providing a focus to treatment and current issues, and to also help the individual better understand what they are experiencing.  

What ages does Solutions for Success provide services to?

Solutions for Success provides mental health counseling services to children and adults.  Please reach out to learn more to see if we are a good fit for you!

We do not provide emergency services. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency,

diall 911 for emergency services or dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

© 2024 Solutions for Success

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